
Last week was my first week as the Manager of the Current River Sheltered Workshop here in Doniphan. To say that it went by fast is an understatement! I enjoyed every minute of it! Once again God’s “provide-ence” has blessed me with the opportunity to “do good unto others.” I have been so blessed. One of the things that the Workshop does is recycle things – cardbox boxes, paper, clothes, etc. . . We also have a Resale Shop. Many people donate clothes, household items, furniture, etc. . . to our Resale Shop, which we appreciate so much. But I find it very interesting to see what people donate.

Some bring the “leftovers” from their yard sales. Many of these items are stained, torn, or just don’t work anymore – the big outdated televisions, microwaves that need a new plug-in, etc. . . or the clothes have been hanging in the closet for many years and are outdated. These are the things that folks just want to get out of their house. Since we do bale and recycle clothing, we still thankful to have them, but for the Resale Shop – they’re useless. Then there are those who bring clothes that are “gently used.” These items do have a high resale value, so we sale them at a “below yard sale” price. They are good, but not great. Finally, every once in a while, we’ll get name-brand items that still have the tags on them – they are brand new. They usually don’t last but a few hours in the Shop before someone grabs them off the rack.

This got me to thinking about what are we “donating” to the Lord? Are you giving Him the left-overs? Are you sharing the moments when you feel obligated to go to worship services – like on Christmas, Mother’s Day, or Easter? Do you pray at the dinner table when you’re at home – but you never think of saying a prayer before you eat when you’re in a restaurant. Are you giving Him the “good, but not great” part of your lives – you know, the times that you’re not busy with work, ballgames, hunting, or entertainment? Do you stay home from Wednesday night Bible class in order to watch something on TV? Or are we giving Him the best? Does He come first? Are you sharing the “good news” with others? Do others know that you’re a Christian by your love?

My Friends, God gave His only Son for you. What are you giving to Him? Simply blessed, Courtney

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2 thoughts on “Donations

  1. Courtney, this really hit home. I have been becoming more aware of what I “give” to God. Sadly, I found a lot was leftovers. Things like, reading my Bible or having quiet time at the end of the day when I’m tired and sometimes weary. Leftover minutes, imperfect and worn-out rather than the start of the day when I’m fresh, well rested and renewed.
    Thank you again.
    Barb Paton
    P.S. I know you will be blessed and be a blessing to the Sheltered Workshop and those who work there.

    1. Thank you so much! I believe that all of us, including me, could stand to re-evaluate our priorities. I appreciate you!

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