When Mother’s Day Isn’t Happy. . .

I wrote this post a couple of years ago, and wanted to share it again. May it remind us to be thoughtful of those around us. God bless, Courtney

For most of us, this is a very special weekend. Sunday, May 14th is Mother’s Day. But, Mother’s Day isn’t always a “happy” day for everyone. We, as Christians should be aware of those around us who may be hurting.

There are some, who’s Mothers have passed on. These children may be taking flowers to the cemetery instead to the door. Mother’s Day will be spent with memories, instead of making memories. May we be mindful to those who are missing their mothers this weekend.

There are also others who long to be mothers, but they haven’t been able to conceive. Mother’s Day is especially hard on those who want more than anything to be a mother. I heard one young woman who remarked that she dreaded going to worship services on Mother’s Day because it just reminded her of what wasn’t to be. My advice was to remember Hannah. When Hannah was barren and wanted a child so much, she didn’t stay home from worship – No, she went to Shiloh and prayed so fervently that her mouth moved, even though she spoke not a word. Eli, the priest thought that she was drunk, until she explained that she was “pouring out her soul before the Lord.” (I Samuel 1:15) What a beautiful definition of prayer! We need to be mindful of those who are trying to become mothers.

As someone who suffered a miscarriage years ago, I understand how Mother’s Day can be especially hard on those who were pregnant, yet they never got to hold their child. I hate the phrase, “I lost the baby.” I mean, I didn’t walk around and put it down somewhere and forget where I put it! No, it’s a traumatic event and a “Happy Mother’s Day” can rub in the pain and make you feel like a failure. May we remember these Moms in our prayers – Heaven is so much dearer knowing that their child is there.

Then, we also need to remember those who are single and never got the opportunity to have children. Sometimes, life doesn’t turn out like we think it will, and having children isn’t part of the plan. That’s okay – but still that one day of the year – Mother’s Day – can cause pain.

I was honored to have a Godly mother, and to be a mother to two beautiful daughters. I look forward to Mother’s Day each year, but may we be mindful of those who may be having a “not so happy day” on Mother’s Day. You are in our prayers. God Bless, Courtney

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2 thoughts on “When Mother’s Day Isn’t Happy. . .

  1. I felt like you were speaking right to my heart! I want to hug your neck!! What a wonderful encouragement. <3

    1. Courtney Sanders May 14, 2019 — 11:37 am

      Girl, you are not alone. Love you! Courtney

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